Thursday, June 5, 2008

Morning Dew

My heart breathes deep
She is in repose
Folded in upon herself like tender bud of rose
Each petal a defender to the lesser one below
All gentle protectors to the
Nectar at her core
She waits
She waits
She waits
And then
Day –
The day – is dawned, and one
Frayed-edged outer petal,
Faking bravery,
Shy, and hesitant
Performs reconnaissance
Is this...
Could this be
Her drop of morning dew?

© Lisa Hurley, 2008

1 comment:

Chris Peruzzi said...

It's good to see you writing again. I love people who can "talk purty". And you have poweRful poetry.

I hope all is well - Chris Peruzzi